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Runaway 3


Enter the Story: The world’s biggest adventure game

Publicada por José Ferreira 10/1/09

Enter the Story is a 20 year epic indie project to turn iconic classical books into games. In the words of the developer, Chris Tolworthy: “each story becomes a complete stand alone game”, also linking “together to form what will be the world’s largest adventure game”.
In this classic point-and-click adventure, you are Peri, a guardian angel, determined to get ultimate answers, flying off to help the star of each book’s faithful adaptation. The first book is Les Miserable’s and the second the Divine Comedy, both available now. The next game will be based on Genesis of the Gods and will be release coming winter.
Upcoming episodes will be released every four months and be based on Shakespeare’s complete works, including Julius Caesar; the Count of Monte Cristo, Plato's Atlantis, and even Einstein’s General Relativity, just to give you a glimpse of what’s in stored.

Many of us are tired of poorly written characters and even weaker plots, that regardless of graphical quality and playability – and I not saying that they are not important in a game – made you feel like you want to quit playing or at least that the game could be better and you’ve should have gotten more from it. Now you can graphically explore the classics you read, interact with its characters in a realistic atmosphere, as Chris Tolworthy points out.

The games are the life project of Chris Tolworthy single writer/adapter, programmer, developer, and in my opinion are worth collecting due to sheer originality and valuable contribution to the gamming scene. Plus if you buy an episode you get the previous releases free.

Whether you’re an avid reader looking to enhance your favorite book experience, or a gamer who is looking for more depth in a game, or you are looking for ultimate answers, join Peri on her exciting ongoing quest. To purchase visit Enter the Story official site.


1 Comment
  1. ByTheSeaside Said,

    Hi! Please feel free to post comments, suggestions, submit game cheats or send your own walkthroughs to book.of.adventure@gmail.com

    Please keep in mind you should send Plain Text e-mail, as NO file attachments will be opened.

    We'll be more than glad to hear from you.
    ByTheSeaside - Admin

    Posted on October 1, 2009 at 11:14 PM


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